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The Platform

Roclo's platform has been designed as a place where all deal-related pipeline, relationship and transactional data would be accessible to investment bankers from analysts through to managing directors. The platform was designed for investment banking professionals to perform the following and more:

  • Coverage and Pipeline Management: Using Roclo, Investment Bankers are able to create dashboards and reports that deliver the full picture of each stage of the pipeline.
  • Deal Execution and Management: Automated task assignment and alerts ensure that the team is executing on key transaction related responsibilities, decreasing the administrative burden place on deal makers.
  • Workflow Automation: All processes are automated within the Roclo platform, leading to greater efficiency and time savings which allows the firm's bankers to spend more time on directly revenue-producing activities.
  • Productivity Tracking: Roclo's productivity and activity tracking tools allow the team to better determine where and how to allocate resources to ensure every deal is appropriately supported from a resource perspective.
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For Senior Management

What Roclo offers your senior management team

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For Deal Makers

Targeting, pipeline management, pitching collaboration, and deal execution

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