
The Challenge

Talk to any investment banker and you will be told that each of their client's needs are unique and there is huge diversity in their aspirations and requirements. This is true even for firms that belong to the same industry or sector. Firms are in different stages of evolution and face different challenges; consequently, requiring differentiated advice and solutions from a corporate finance, advisory and M&A perspective.

Our CRM and Deal Management solution ensures each client's uniqueness is maintained and allows bankers the creative freedom to devise specific workflows for their clients.

The Challenge

Winning Mandates vs Running Mandates

"Winning a mandate is totally different from running a mandate." As a banker, you need the right set of tools to help you win a new mandate which many CRMs can do on a generic basis but not specifically catering for the M&A sector. You also need a solution that caters solely for deal management and reporting. Roclo does both to enable your firm to achieve its highest potential.

Winning Mandates vs Running Mandates

Building Insights and not just Data Points

CRMs are notorious for aiding the collection of lots of information. However, the real need is to aid building insights rather than merely a collection of data-points. While data-points are useful, they should collectively form an insightful view on a client organization; deeply enhancing the abilities of an investment banking and M&A advisor to add value to each such client.

The ability to curate an insightful and analytical view on a client is critical to a CRM's core and when you combine that with deal execution tools, you achieve exponential success.

Building Insights and not just Data Points

Intelligence Repository; Going beyond Activity Tracking

The real challenge faced by bankers and advisory firms when it comes to corporate level engagement and value-add is - How effectively can I meet the needs and aspirations of my client organization? Once have comfort level on the above question, do you start to weave together a credible plan to help your clients achieve their objectives.

From a CRM perspective, it is hugely important to go beyond tracking communication and feedback and being able to bring that together to create real intelligence in the customer engagement value chain.

Intelligence Repository; Going beyond Activity Tracking

Differentiate between Opportunities & Mandates

  • Identify opportunities and support your transactions origination process.
  • Develop granular activity tracking and follow-ups against each transaction.
  • Seamlessly move from “Opportunities” mode to “execution” mode when a new mandate has been won.

Customizable Transaction Workflows

  • No two organizations are the same when it comes to workflows.
  • Our approach allows for easy to customize transaction workflows.
  • Create categories and sub-categories of transaction types and then have execution stages aligned to each.

Confidentiality within Transactions

  • Ensuring transaction level secrecy and discretion is critical to your business.
  • Control who sees what for each mandate or opportunity.
  • Elevated access rights to senior management to maintain oversight across transactions.

Insightful Screening/ Targeting Capabilities

  • Leverage client engagement data to drive high quality target lists in transactions.
  • Improve your prospecting effectiveness when identifying buyers/sellers in a M&A transaction.
  • Leverage historical transaction data to enrich customer insights, to boost deal success rates.

Management Reporting Insights

  • Dashboards for quick insights and Call-to-Action activities.
  • Data intelligence and collaboration to drive team level engagement and success.
  • Customizable reporting templates to facilitate discussions across the business.