
For Deal Makers

Fully configurable platform

Roclo allows financial services firms to configure their unique instance of the platform to adhere to existing dealmaking process, instead of forcing them to adapt to a generic workflow. Unlike other platforms we understand the financial services sector and allow you design your own workflow to meet your needs.

Fully configurable platform

Pitchbook preparation

Avoid duplication and leverage intellectual capital across your organisation. Centralise potential bidder information whether that be business overview, strategy, financials, previous M&A track record and use this to easily create pitchbooks. Avoid duplicating the work of another analyst or associate and prepare slides for your pitch deck in much less time. Identify a company that could be a potential bidder and let Roclo identity other potential bidders based on other similar pitches carried out by your firm previously.

Pitchbook preparation

Identifying potential bidders

In most cases excel and word documents are used to create bidder lists. Leveraging the power of Roclo across your firm investment bankers can quickly identity previous projects where a potential bidder appears and identify if there are any other potential bidders in those projects which they may have missed.

Identifying potential bidders

Deal Management

Use Roclo's out of the box workflow for M&A transactions or fully configure your own workflow with ease. Managing multiple sellside, buyside and fundraising transactions becomes a breeze with Roclo. Roclo has made it easy to contact a bidder, keep track of responses and set reminders as to when they should be reaching out again.

Deal Management

Next-level deal marketing

Save time and avoid costly mistakes when reaching out to potential bidders. In one click prepare NDAs, process letters and watermark confidential documentation. Whether sending emails to 1 bidder or 100 bidders Atillio personalises each document and email and provides you with the email ready to send.

Next-level deal marketing


Prepare weekly reports for your client or for internal purposes.

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